Thursday, June 11, 2009

Do the Right Thing

The fact that traffic sucks is one thing that most people can agree on. What to do about the traffic is another matter entirely. Everyone wants the government to fix the problem but no one wants to pay for it.

In my observations I would say that one of the most prevalent problems is oblivious drivers in the passing lanes talking or texting on phones, eating food, putting on makeup or even all three at the same time. These self centered ignorant people think that they own the road and everyone else should just deal with it. This behavior forces the impatient people behind them to do stupid thing like swerving across multiple lanes of traffic and cutting off other people to try and get around the ignoramus in the left lane.

A survey of state laws shows that most states follow the Uniform Vehicle Code which requires slower vehicles to keep right. In particular Virginia State Code 46.2-842.1 states that:
§ 46.2-842.1. Drivers to give way to certain overtaking vehicles on divided highways.

It shall be unlawful to fail to give way to overtaking traffic when driving a motor vehicle to the left and abreast of another motor vehicle on a divided highway. On audible or light signal, the driver of the overtaken vehicle shall move to the right to allow the overtaking vehicle to pass as soon as the overtaken vehicle can safely do so. A violation of this section shall not be construed as negligence per se in any civil action.

The National Motorists Association has a great concept called Lane Courtesy where the advantages of moving over are "self-evident".
If people would "do the right thing" and show a little courtesy by moving over then the people who want to drive faster can and people who want to go slower can do it in the right lane without having to complain about somebody tailgating them.

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